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English Tutor
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Aloysius Yongbi Fontama 
Founder & CEO




100 Reviews

Tutor, Investor & Author of "How to invest in the stock market for the first time and make money"

At A and F Tutors we support your child to learn and realise their potential. We do this by providing tailored learning programme that helps each child to succeed.




We offer private tuition for children from year 2 and upto university level Along side this, we offer mentoring to help young people select the right educational path and career choice.



All our tutors have a degree from a UK university and are experience in their filed. Our firm belief is that every child deserves a good education to access opportunities.


Colay (Mentee's feedback)

Year 10 student

"Sometimes, my tutor my Aloys makes me do more work than I would like to, especially when I was preparing for my Year 6 SATS. But I like him because he was/is always there to support, advise and encourage me. Because of his continuous support, advice and help. I did well SATS and doing well now in Maths and English in Year 10 than before."

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Andrew​ (Mentee's feedback)

Year 6 student

"Before I started lessons with Mr. Aloys, I was in Level 5 in Maths. Now, I am in Level 6 because of Mr. Aloys support. He is very funny, makes me laugh all the time and his advice has given more confidence to complete my home work even without his help."

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Aloysius Yongbi Fontama

Founder & CEO


100 Reviews


Visiting Lecturer, Investor & Author of "How to invest in stock market for the first time and make money" - 3 books listed on Amazon & Waterstones.

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A & F Tutors was founded with one mission: To help children, young people and adults close their learning and attainment gaps using our person-centred one-to-one tutoring  (Both Online and face to face at home) from tutors who are experts in their respective subjects. Both Children from advantaged and disadvantaged backgrounds in London and across the UK



Primarily, our focus is on key subjects such as Maths, English and Science, but we  provide tutoring in all subjects and at all levels from primary, secondary, sixth form, University and adults. 

Although tutoring is core product, we also provide mentoring services on apprenticeships and career in general, whilst also facilitate admissions for students into schools, colleges and Universities. 


Our Team

Our tutors are passionate about making a positive impact on student's learning, are also graduates in their respect subjects and trained teachers with QTS.


Achievements: Recently, A & F Tutors was shortlisted by Tutors Association " Tuition Business of Year Award in the UK".  

This recognition is a testament to your exceptional contributions in terms of quality of tutoring, its impact in improving the academic potential of our clients and  to the tutoring community.


In addition, we won contract with Department of Work and Pension as part of UK government's Kick Start scheme. As part of this scheme, we trained young people aged 20-24 not in education, training or employment to gain employable skills. All of them were able to secure a paid job within 3 months of completing their 6 months employability training programme. 


If you or your child is struggling to improve on their academic performance, need to fill gaps in their learning or struggling to pass their exams,


WE ARE HERE TO HELP. JUST GIVE US A CALL OR EMAIL US on or contact us using contact us sheet on home page.

We offer private tuition for children from year 2 and upto university level Along side this, we offer mentoring to help young people select the right educational path and career choice.


At A and F Tutors we support your child to learn and realise their potential. We do this by providing tailored learning programme that helps each child to succeed.




All our tutors have a degree from a UK university and are experience in their filed. Our firm belief is that every child deserves a good education to access opportunities.


"Mustafa taking lessons in GCSE English from his English Tutor and Mentor - Nana"

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Colay (Mentee's feedback)

Year 10 student

"Sometimes, my tutor my Aloys makes me do more work than I would like to, especially when I was preparing for my Year 6 SATS. But I like him because he was/is always there to support, advise and encourage me. Because of his continuous support, advice and help. I did well SATS and doing well now in Maths and English in Year 10 than before."

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Andrew​ (Mentee's feedback)

Year 6 student

"Before I started lessons with Mr. Aloys, I was in Level 5 in Maths. Now, I am in Level 6 because of Mr. Aloys support. He is very funny, makes me laugh all the time and his advice has given more confidence to complete my home work even without his help."


11+ Grammar School Entrance Preparation


One of our students preparing for 11plus examinations with one of our 11plus  specialist Admissions tutor, Ru. The student eventually gained admission into her school of choice.

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