OUR MOTIVATION: One of the biggest gaps in social mobility to children, teenagers and adults, especially those from low social economic background is the lack of skills, knowledge and opportunities to unlock their talents and realise their full potential. For example, when a student does not have the required GCSE/A-LEVEL grades in Maths, English or IT and a mentor to provide guidance and support, he or she may find it challenging to secure an admission at his/her college, university of choice or an apprenticeship.
Therefore, that student or individual cannot achieve his/her goal to move to the next academic level or to earn,
learn and acquire lifelong employable skills - critical in facilitating his/her movement from a lower to a higher social-economic level. Hence, social mobility can only become a reality when these gaps in knowledge, skill and social capital are closed. Therefore, at A&F Tutors, our goal is to close these knowledge, skills and mentoring gaps through our private tutoring and mentoring services; with the goal of making a positive and lasting presence to the knowledge, skills, prospects and life of the child, teenager, adult or professional [be it academic, professional or personal.
Research studies by the Equality Trust shows that children of highly paid people are more likely to be highly paid and children of low paid people more likely to be low earners. Also, these findings reveal strong evidence that education is a strong driver of social mobility.
OUR MOTIVATION: One of the biggest gaps in social mobility to children, teenagers and adults, especially those from low social economic background is the lack of skills, knowledge and opportunities to unlock their talents and realise their full potential. For example, when a student does not have the required GCSE/A-LEVEL grades in Maths, English or IT and a mentor to provide guidance and support, he or she may find it challenging to secure an admission at his/her college, university of choice or an apprenticeship.
Therefore, that student or individual cannot achieve his/her goal to move to the next academic level or to earn,
learn and acquire lifelong employable skills - critical in facilitating his/her movement from a lower to a higher social-economic level. Hence, social mobility can only become a reality when these gaps in knowledge, skill and social capital are closed. Therefore, at A&F Tutors, our goal is to close these knowledge, skills and mentoring gaps through our private tutoring and mentoring services; with the goal of making a positive and lasting presence to the knowledge, skills, prospects and life of the child, teenager, adult or professional [be it academic, professional or personal.
Research studies by the Equality Trust shows that children of highly paid people are more likely to be highly paid and children of low paid people more likely to be low earners. Also, these findings reveal strong evidence that education is a strong driver of social mobility.
OUR MOTIVATION: One of the biggest gaps in social mobility to children, teenagers and adults, especially those from low social economic background is the lack of skills, knowledge and opportunities to unlock their talents and realise their full potential. For example, when a student does not have the required GCSE/A-LEVEL grades in Maths, English or IT and a mentor to provide guidance and support, he or she may find it challenging to secure an admission at his/her college, university of choice or an apprenticeship.
Therefore, that student or individual cannot achieve his/her goal to move to the next academic level or to earn,
learn and acquire lifelong employable skills - critical in facilitating his/her movement from a lower to a higher social-economic level. Hence, social mobility can only become a reality when these gaps in knowledge, skill and social capital are closed. Therefore, at A&F Tutors, our goal is to close these knowledge, skills and mentoring gaps through our private tutoring and mentoring services; with the goal of making a positive and lasting presence to the knowledge, skills, prospects and life of the child, teenager, adult or professional [be it academic, professional or personal.
Research studies by the Equality Trust shows that children of highly paid people are more likely to be highly paid and children of low paid people more likely to be low earners. Also, these findings reveal strong evidence that education is a strong driver of social mobility.

A new sphere of one-to-one tuition
Education Consulting Firm with a Holistic Approach in ADDING VALUE through 1-2-1 private tutoring, mentoring, coaching and using education as a tool to promote social mobility

We provide guidance for university & apprenticeships.
University can open may doors to education and sociability. There are opportunities to make professional connections within your chosen degree and you will be able to enhance your skills that you can use in life. You will be able to live and make new friends through out your experience.​

Apprenticeships are arguably the fastest route for young people to acquire earning and learning. Especially those from low social-economic or financially disadvantaged background.
This enables young people to gain more skil.ls. knowledge, and experience earlier in life than if they attended college or university. This can help prepare them better for a future career and life opportunities.
Provides an unrivalled platform which exposes young people to a wide range of opportunities. This allows them to gain employable skills, develop steadily in line with their abilities and strengths.
Saves young people from acquiring over £50,000 in debt from university fees. At the same time an apprenticeship provides an alternative route to achieve a degree free of charge.

Dominique - BA (Hons) Health & Social Care Management
​“I am an undergraduate student in Health care management. Mr Fontama has been my tutor and mentor all along. Due to his support as a mentor and personal tutor in essay writing techniques, how to write research projects, referencing essays and IT training, I completed my HND in Health Care Management with Merit and Distinction score in over 70% of the modules. He is a great tutor and motivator whom I would recommend to any student. He also facilitated my admission for a top-up with personal statement and CV and is still my tutor & Mentor."

Apprenticeship Mentoring with Amidu. Through our support, Amidu completed his level 3 Certificate in Electrical Installation and currently working full time.